Home Insights How Australians Celebrate Christmas | Fun Christmas Traditions From The Down Under

How Australians Celebrate Christmas | Fun Christmas Traditions From The Down Under

Christmas is one of the most awaited holidays where families come together and enjoy the festive vibes. It is one of those occasions where we take time out of our busy routines and spend it with our families. Aussies start their Christmas celebrations from 23rd of December which ends around the 7th of January. Outdoor activities such as camping, surfing, and barbeques are the highlight of this holiday.
Of course, the event is celebrated in a variety of different fashions. It’s one of the biggest holidays in the country. 
Below, I will paint a general picture of how Australians celebrate Christmas.

1.   Christmas Traditions In Australia

  • Australian Christmas Carols

The most popular Christmas tradition in Australia is Carols by Candlelight. People come together at night to light candles and sing Christmas carols outside. As Christmas in Australia takes place during the warmer months, the Christmas carols lyrics are different than the rest of the world. One Australian carol says that six white boomers, or large kangaroos, pull Santa's sleigh.

  • Christmas Dinners

Christmas Day is when families and close friends come together to enjoy the festivity. The midday dinner is the best part of Christmas day. Some families enjoy a traditional British Christmas dinner. Others head to their backyards for barbeques. Many families even go to the beach or to the countryside and enjoy a sunny holiday. On Christmas Eve, families attend church together.

  • Australian Santa

Just like Santa, there is a Father Christmas in Australia who is known to show up in shorts to greet children at the beaches on Christmas. Some expect Father Christmas to leave gifts, and others wait for Santa Claus to visit and deliver presents. 

  • Boxing Day

To understand how Australians celebrate Christmas, one needs to understand the Boxing Day which is on 26th December. It is the equivalent to Black Friday in the United States. Retailers hold huge sales, and the day is celebrated as a public holiday. People leave tips for the grocer, postman, newspaper carrier, and others to thank them for their services throughout the year. 
The Christmas festivities end on January 6 the 12th night. There is one last party to end the Christmas season. 

  • Gathering in the streets

In Australia, it's summer in December, thus street gatherings are highly common. On Christmas Day, unplanned street celebrations occur occasionally in the evening. Most people visit relatives, so the streets are packed with families and children.
Roads are frequently full of games of cricket, many Australian families enjoy competing against their friends and relatives.

  • Celebrate Christmas at Bondi Beach

Every year, thousands of people dress up in costumes and go to Bondi Beach in Sydney to celebrate Christmas. Many people wear Santa hats and enjoy the party with plenty of food, sports, and surfing on this day.

2.   How Australians Decorate Their Houses During Christmas?

Australians enjoy Christmas by decorating their houses with ferns. People hang wreaths on their front doors along with the colorful flowers that bloom in summer known as Christmas bush and Christmas bellflower.

  • Australian Decorations

 People also decorate their houses and gardens with Christmas Trees and Christmas lights. Typical Australian decorations are also used, such as glass baubles or wooden ornaments decorated with images of Australian wildlife, such as koalas, king parrots, Waratah flowers, or Australian landmarks. Small statues of local animals dressed in Santa hats and sleighs pulled by groups of white kangaroos are pretty common, so is the statue of Santa Claus in beach clothes.

  • How to Save Money on Christmas Decorations?

Some stores design Australian themed wreaths but they are often quite expensive. You can either make them on your own or look for the ones available at discount. During the holiday season, the prices of Christmas decorations rise. Therefore, it’s better to buy all the decorations before the season starts. Many stores issue Christmas warehouse discount code before the holidays begin, in the month of November to increase their sales. The majority of Australians buy their Christmas decorations during these sales to save the money on Christmas.

 According to the statistics Australians spent approximately $1billion on the Christmas decorations last year.

3.   Gift-Giving On Christmas:

Presents are the highlight of the Christmas holidays. Families and friends give each other gifts all throughout the world. The majority of youngsters all believe in Santa Claus who brings gifts at Christmas. Children start waiting for Christmas morning so they can unwrap the gifts left by Santa the night before. Usually, we see people gifting sweaters or jackets as Christmas presents but as Christmas in Australia is the stark opposite of Christmas in the US, the choice changes accordingly.

  • Start Saving Money Earlier

Buying gifts at the eleventh hour could be expensive. Start to save for Christmas presents earlier during the year to avoid spending more on Christmas. Some Aussies take up part-time jobs to afford the Christmas festivities. Another way how Australians spend their Christmas is by buying presents through Christmas warehouse discount codes.

  • Think About How Much You Should Spend?

Christmas is often connected with giving and spending more of one's income on others, which has been linked to higher levels of happiness than spending money on oneself. Indeed, one study discovered that those who were randomly assigned to spend money on others felt happier than those who were randomly assigned to spend money on themselves.

  • Online Shopping Websites or End of Season Sales

To buy discounted stuff you can also shop from the end of the season sales. Click frenzy introduces really good deals before the holiday season. You can also get presents for your loved ones through online shopping websites by using saving coupons. This is how Australians spend their money on Christmas mainly.

  • Thank You Notes for The Presents

Another Australian tradition is that when we receive a present we send a thank you note or call our loved ones to thank them for the gift they have sent. So it’s better to make a list of all the people who sent you gifts to thank them.

According to The New Daily, Australians spent around $11 billion on presents for their friends and family in 2018. In Australia, the majority of people prefer to re-gift. Still, the average person spends $573 on presents.

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4.   Traveling: One Of The Most Relished Christmas Activities In Australia

Australians prefer to spend their money on traveling during their Christmas holidays. The majority of people visit beaches or go to the countryside to spend their holidays with their families. Others prefer to visit European countries, purchasing tours and tickets to the most famous museums and activities in advance.

  • Spots You Can Visit During Christmas Holidays

Rock Hampton, Queensland is the perfect spot to visit during the Christmas holidays. As you roll into Rock Hampton, where Queensland’s outback meets the coastline you can also enjoy the area’s best New Year eve fireworks at Queen’s Park right along the Fitzroy River. Having a party in Rock Hampton is how many Australians celebrate Christmas. Other than Queensland there is cable beach in Newcastle and Melbourne where you can enjoy incredible coffee, art and see how Australians spend their money on Christmas at the Boxing Day sales. You can also admire the beautiful 19th-century architecture.

  • How to Save Money on Accommodation?

Usually, in holiday season fares get higher so look for the discounts offered by travel agencies. Different bank cards get you discounts for recreational spots during Christmas. Accommodations also take a huge part of your budget. How Australians spend their money on Christmas holidays traveling accommodations? It’s better to find hotels that are not so expensive or you can get advance bookings to save yourself from the higher fares during the holiday season.

Statistics tell that one out of every two individuals spends more than half his Christmas budget on traveling. According to the ABS, December was Australia’s busiest month for international travel in 2018, with 4 million movements.

5.   Christmas Menu In Australia

No matter where you go in the world food is the most spent on the item. Especially in the holiday season, people spend a huge amount of money on food items.

  • Christmas Dinner Around the World 

In the rest of the world people enjoy their Christmas holidays with cups of coffee and hot chocolate with marshmallows, snuggled in their blankets but that’s not how Aussies celebrate Christmas. Australians enjoy cold beers in swimming pools or at beaches.
Christmas dinner all around the world consists of ham, roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and for deserts mostly pies are consumed. But the Australian Christmas dinner comprises of salads and cold meats. However, some people still enjoy the traditional roasted meats, baked vegetables, and plum pudding.  

  • Christmas Dinner in Australia

Some people hold outdoor barbeques instead of the traditional Christmas dinner. Others head out instead of having a home-cooked meal. A lot of restaurants offer discounted deals during the holiday season. Also before the Christmas holidays start in Australia many eateries give out coupons on shopping from a specific place, that’s how Australians spend their money on Christmas smartly and save a lot.
According to the statistics issued by Finder, the last year during Christmas an average Australian spent $308 on food and $148 on alcohol. 

6.   How Do People Dress For Christmas In Australia?

Sants' traditional attire is large black boots and bright red fleece jackets lined with white fur but having a hot Christmas means no warm sweaters, long boots, or jackets. So Australians enjoy their Christmas in light flowy maxi dresses, t-shirts, and shorts. As most people visit beaches during their Christmas holidays they opt for shorts or bikinis. Even the Santa visits the beach in shorts.

7.   How Much Do Aussies Donate During Christmas?

For Australians, Christmas isn’t complete without making charitable donations. On this Christmas half of Australians (47%) intend to donate money to charity according to research. The majority of the donors included Generation X. They donated around $76 each on average. Generation Y donated $61 on average. They were followed by the young generation that spent around $37 on charitable donations. 
According to a nationally representative Finder survey this Christmas, the average Australian is predicted to spend $1,232 on gifts, food, alcohol, dining out, and travel.  The nation’s total expenditure related to Christmas rises to $25 billion.
And there you have it. Now you know how Australians celebrate Christmas. 

Published on: December 20, 2022

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