Home Insights A Brief Guide to Email Coupon Marketing

A Brief Guide to Email Coupon Marketing

Looking for ways to boost your sales? Think your promotional campaign can use a little uplift? Then email coupons have all the answers for you.

Through a variety of means, content marketers and businesses strive to stay on top of the competition. However, using a traditional method like email marketing often skips the mind of these marketers and businesses and that is when an ample opportunity arises. But email marketing is used to achieve a variety of means, such as newsletters to keep customers in the loop and advertise weekly emails about offers.

However, the one category that sits atop all the others is discount email marketing. These emails drive sales and boost their numbers miraculously. So, let us see what makes them effective and why they are so important for businesses in 2025. 

What Is An Email Marketing Coupon?

An email marketing discount campaign includes businesses sending a gift voucher or gift code to a list of customers. Usually, these email coupons include a discount code or number that allows users to use it on their next purchase and avail themselves of a gift or a percentage of the discount. One of the main reasons marketing experts like to use is the direct approach. Unlike various other tactics, many promo code marketing yields better results.

How Can Email Coupons And Promo Codes Drive Sales?

The latest coupon statistics show that these discounting tools are instrumental in driving sales. So, how does this happen? To answer that question simply, imagine buying a product and loving it, then on the next purchase, you have a 20-30% discount. So, coupons by mail can not only boost your urge to make the purchase again, but it gives you all the more reason to do so. According to experts, 96% of Americans love coupons received through emails. And, the stats suggest that these numbers are only going to grow in 2025, with the coupon users going above 145 million in the US alone. You can get cheap email marketing services from GetResponse Promo CodeSales Kiwi Discount Code, and UpEnabler Discount Code.

However, the true benefit of email coupon marketing is that it has a direct and interactive approach. Any customer loves a personal touch to their buying experience. It does not get more personal than an email with an ode to your name and a discount code along with it. Furthermore, these discount coupons by email are an effective tool to generate more leads, and consequently, more sales because they offer great discounts through emails.

Types Of Popular Email Coupons

While there are various types of coupon marketing tactics, including coupon marketing through social media, but doing it through email is better. Businesses that learn how to drive sales with email coupons are able to increase their conversion rates significantly. However, there are many types of coupon emails as well. So, which one is best for you to use? Let us look at a few top examples.


Buy one get one free or BOGO, is perhaps the most used type out of email discount code. The reason why it is a favorite for many marketers is that it is precise and it offers a great bargain. Once again, think about the product that you got, and now you get to buy another one and one comes free with it. Not only is that a promise for an inexpensive purchase, but also a vital tool to cultivate the customer’s loyalty.

2. Discount Codes

Much like BOGO, discount codes find a top spot in any email coupon marketing strategy. Not only because they offer a bargain, but they are a vital tool to foster long-time customers or they try to attract customers through different offers. One of the reasons behind their popularity is seasonal sales, such as black Friday, Christmas or any other holiday season.

3. Gifts

Gifts are one of the keys to achieving better sales. In it, the business can offer gifts of other products, along with their main ones. Many major product lines benefit from this coupon by email. Not only because it clearly promises a free-of-cost commodity along with it.

4. Free Or Less Shipping

Since many buyers decide their purchases on the shipping cost, sales with email coupon marketing can help elevate sale numbers by promising free or less shipping. What you can do is provide a lesser cost of shipping if a buyer gets a certain amount of product. 

How Do You Get People To Use Your Discount Code Through Email?

Well, now that we know the types and reasons that businesses use coupons by email, let us look at the ways you can compose them properly. 

  • Write A Catchy Headline 

One of the first thing that a person noticed in their inbox is the headline of the email. Is it promising? Does it offer some value or does it sound like one of those scam emails? Do not succumb to writing those, but always focus on making it as catchy as possible. Use the local language. For instance, if you’re targeting coupon users in Australia, make sure to use some of that Aussie slang.

  • Focus On Creating Short, But Striking Content 

The length of the content in the email’s body is another matter you should focus on properly. The better value you provide in a short amount of words, the easier it will be for your target reader to comprehend it. So, the ideal length of an email for a discount is 100-150 words.

  • Provide Thorough Details (Deadlines Etc.)

While you need to keep the mails short, make sure you cover all the necessary information in them. Mention the deadline until the coupon is active and do not forget the type of coupon it is. In other words, references the percentage of discount, or the type of gift they are going to receive. 

  • Add Creative Images, Visual Content Etc.

In the world of digital marketing, visual content sells better than others. Bear in mind that the idea of sending these promo code emails is to increase your sales numbers. So, what you need to do is make sure your email features creative images or a variety of visual content. But, you must keep them relevant to the context of the email itself.

Why You Should Use Email Coupons

Now that all the types and ways of making these emails are out of the way, let us talk about something more important. Should you use email coupons at all? Well, stats suggest that you should, because consumers tend to spend more when using these coupons. 

  • ROI Generation

If you want to make sure your investment gets a good chance at regenerating itself, then using email coupons can help you get there. Bear in mind that while you might present a discount percentage of 20%-30% on average, you will still be making some profit. So, your investment will be regenerated quicker by employing this tactic.

  • Achieving Sales Targets

By the end of the year, many brands and businesses have their sales targets to achieve. Say that you want to sell a thousand products by the end of December and you are at 500-600 by November, then offering these coupons during the holiday season can get you to your desired numbers, maybe even beyond. 

  • Helps Grow Email list 

Last but not the least, one of the key benefits of using this strategy is that it helps you grow your email list. If you write personalized emails in the future, it will help you find more audience and sell more. 


There you have it, folks. Everything you need to know about email coupons and how you can use them to drive sales. When you offer a discount mail to customers, you are incentivizing them to make a purchase. The idea is to make sure you create emails that help you achieve your target, regardless of what they are.

Published on: February 21, 2023

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