Home Guides Reduce Your Grocery Bill in These Simple Steps

Reduce Your Grocery Bill in These Simple Steps

After housing and transportation, grocery is the third major expense of an average family in Australia. Recent reports reveal that an average Australian family spends around $163 on food each week. Being a big expense, it takes a huge chunk out of an average Australian citizen’s salary. If you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars on regular household items, then don’t worry. It’s very easy to control this expense and save considerably. 

Grocery stores are designed to trick customers into spending more money than they have planned. Make a list of the things you need before you enter the grocery store and avoid drifting through the isles aimlessly. In this article, you will get to learn tips on how to reduce your grocery bill to half. 

25 Ways To Save More On Your Grocery Cost: 

Some of the best ways to save money on grocery shopping are listed below:

1.  Enter the store on a full stomach 

If you are on a full stomach, you won’t buy snacks while you shop. It will help you focus on the things you really need to buy. Spending $20 or so dollars on snack isn’t wise at all. It only adds to the bill and makes your regret later. So make sure to always shop for grocery on a full stomach. 

2.  Have a grocery list with you

Never enter the grocery store without a list. Before you plan on doing your grocery for the month, you need to know exactly what you need and how much the items on the list cost. Don’t wander through the isle and put what whatever you please in your cart. You will end up purchasing a bunch of unnecessary items that you don’t even need.  Enter the grocery store with a plan and stick to it. 

3.  Shop just once a week/month 

Fix the day for your grocery shopping. Make sure you shop only once a week or month depending upon your convenience. Make sure you have purchased everything you will need in a week or month. Limit your store visits as you will spend more if you stop at the grocery store every other day. 

4.  Shop at familiar stores

When you shop from the same grocery store every time, your mind learns where the items you need are placed. This means you won’t have to drift through the isles in search of an important grocery item. Less wandering means less unnecessary items making their way into your cart. Moreover, when you are tired or in hurry, you will easily get out with what to you need without inquiring where a certain item is placed. 

5.  Don’t shop when you are tired

To save money on your grocery shopping you need to be focused. You need to be wide awake to make wise choices while you shop. If you are worn out from a hectic day at work, you will miss out on the necessary items you need to fill your cabinets with. As a consequence you will end up visiting grocery store multiple times a week to restock. Make sure you are not preoccupied when you head out to do your grocery for the week. 

6.  Avoid buying canned and packaged foods

Packaged food items cost more. Keep the price difference in mind while choosing canned items over the fresh ones. If you want to keep your vegetables and fruits fresh for longer, shred and freeze them. You can grate and freeze cheese to consume later. 

7.  Read expiry dates before you stock up

People tend to stock up the items which are available at discounted price. It truly is a great way to save a couple of dollars. However, be very careful as some brands offer huge discounts on the items which are about to expire. Make sure to read the expiry dates before you stock up the item available at discounted rates.

8.  Plan your meals

Sunday is the best day to plan out for the week ahead. Women, who pre-plan their meals for the entire week don’t just save their hard earned money. They also save the time spent on deciding what to cook every day. Once your meals are planned out, you have to make a list of everything you need to cook the next week. This way it gets easier for you to figure out exactly how much you need to spend on food in the coming week. 

9.  Clean your cabinets once a month

Try to clean your cabinets once a month. This gives you an idea of which item is running out and needs to be restocked. This way you don’t miss out on important grocery items or end up buying what you already have in your kitchen. Make sure to use up everything before you plan to buy more. 

10.  Keep it organized

The best way to reduce your grocery expense is to keep a close eye on what you have and what you need. To do so, you need keep your food storage cabinets and drawers organized. Messy drawers and cupboards make it hard for you find the items you have bought. As a result you end up buying more of what you already have. 

11.  Avoid purchasing snacks

Snacks are often unhealthy and expensive. You can save up on your grocery bill by replacing unhealthy snacks with fruits. This won’t just reduce you bill but will also keep you and your family healthy. 

12.  Keep a calculator while you shop

Shopping with a calculator makes it easy for you to keep a track of your budget. Add up things when you put them in your cart to know when to stop. 

13.  Discount stores for Non-food grocery

Visit discount stores to shop for non-food grocery items such as garbage bags, dish washing soap, detergents and more.

14.  Store/ manufacturer coupons

Use the discount coupons offered by the grocery store or the manufacturer to save wherever you can. 

15.  Use grocery apps

Download grocery apps on your smart phone and tablet and shop from the comfort of your home. It is a great way to reduce your grocery bills. Physical stores are designed to make the customers buy more. Smart phone apps keep you focused on your needs. Moreover, you save up on the fuel cost. 

16.  Comparison shopping

Try to select the stores which are more cost effective to shop at. Familiarize yourself with as many options as possible and compare the quality and pricing. This will help you save a lot on your grocery cost. 

17.  Track your spending habits

Track your spending habits to avoid overspending. Know the needs of your household and shop accordingly. 

18.  Adopt cash envelope system

At the start of the month, put the amount of cash you have decided to spend on grocery shopping in an envelope. Make sure to take only that cash to the store. 

19.  Use reward credit cards

Use the credit cards that give rewards on purchases of grocery items. Such credit cards offer reward points or cash back for the items you buy at majority of the super markets. 

20.  Bake your own bread

A bag of factory-produced sliced bread costs more than the ingredients that go into baking bread at home. Moreover, freshly backed homemade bread adds more joy to your meals. 

21.  Switch to economical alternatives 

Use sunflower seeds to make pesto instead of pine nut. Replace powdered milk with fresh milk. Use fresh berries instead of frozen berries to add to your cereal. 

22.  Don’t waste food

If you think of food as money, it will be easier for you to avoid wasting it. Buy in smaller quantities to keep fruits and vegetables from going bad. 

23.  Serve meat once a week

Meat cost more than any other grocery item. Don’t serve meat at every dinner and see how much you can save.

24.  Try neighborhood and ethnic grocery stores

Purchase from neighborhood and ethnic groceries. These stores often have discount deals on meat and vegetables.  

25.  Pay cash

If you want to end up with a low grocery bill, pay with cash. When you have cash in your hand, you know what your budgetary limit is and you don’t try to go beyond that. 
Follow the above mentioned tips to keep your grocery bills under control. Use the money you have saved to go on a vacation or buy that golf club you are eyeing for. 

Published on: October 15, 2020

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