About Thompson And Morgan
Thompson & Morgan is a renowned gardening retailer specializing in high-quality plants, seeds, and gardening essentials. With a rich history dating back to 1855, the company offers a diverse range of products, including flower and vegetable seeds, shrubs, fruit trees, and garden accessories. Their extensive catalog caters to both novice and experienced gardeners, providing innovative plant varieties and expert advice. From vibrant perennials to organic vegetable seeds, each product is carefully selected to ensure top performance. Additionally, they offer gardening tools, fertilizers, and planters, making it a one-stop shop for all gardening needs. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a trusted name in horticulture.
Thompson & Morgan offers a variety of special deals and discounts on plants, seeds, and gardening products, including weekly promotions and bulk purchase savings. Additionally, members of gardening groups can benefit from significant discounts through their garden group scheme.